New Student
- Begin with two 25-minute private lessons
- You learn how we teach
- We see how you learn
- Together we decide on your goals
Dancing for Fun
- Begin with the two 25-minute private lessons
- Move through the 10-dance basics
- Decide fast, moderate or slow lesson pacing
Dancing for an Event (we can help if you have any of the following on your horizon)
- Vacation
- Cruise
- Wedding
- Competition
- Medal Testing
- Dinner Dance
- Performance Showcase
Dancing for Competitions
- Once you get through the fundamentals you will be ready to take your dancing from Downtown Style© to Uptown Style©. We will begin applying the precision and polish so that your practice time becomes perfect practice and you will begin standing out in the eyes of the judges
- All dance competitions are subjective (as athletes this is frustrating to us, basketball and baseball games its easy to tell who wins or loses) and the judges are all looking at your dancing from different perspective
- Once thing is true no matter what, however, the dancers who put the most time in will be the dancers who advance to call backs and ultimately to the FINAL heats. The cream will rise to the crop there is no doubt.
- It’s a simple matter of how much time you put in, the same as ANY sport.
Returning Students
- We recommend 4 private lessons and a month of the Ballroom Blitz
- Get back on track and apply your previous learning to our new and improved curriculum
One Dance Focus
- If you have a grounding in dance fundamentals you may be ready to focus on a dance
- We recommend 4 private lessons and a month of the Ballroom Blitz for practice to get a nice in-depth knowledge of your favorite dance – HEY its like a DANCE MAJOR!
- However, If you DO NOT have a grounding in dance fundamentals we DO NOT recommend a single dance focus. Get your LIB EDS in place. (if you insist we’re willing to take your money and teach you material, BUT, it’s a bit like learning a bunch of words without actually learning to speak the language)
- Learn dancing skills, apply them to a VARIETY of dance forms, and you will develop “confidence and trust” no matter what form of dancing you prefer.